
Impact Ministry Video Presentation

Video presentation screenshot

We'd like to say thank you to everyone who has supported us throughout the pandemic.

Thank you for believing in Impact Ministry and what we've been doing: supporting our local youth and adults who are incarcerated, those who come out of incarceration - not only from our juvenile system but also from our adult system. We've been able to help them transition into community colleges and universities. And also, thank you for helping us support our local girls who come out of human trafficking. But most importantly, we just want to say 'thank you.'

We hope you enjoy this short film that we've put together, and we look forward to your continued support in 2022 and beyond. One of our visions is that we'd be able to rent a home in Santa Barbara where we would be able to gather in people who need a landing place for a brief period of time, as they transition to education and to a better future for themselves.

Thank you once again.