Thank you for your support.

We now have options available for supporters to provide tax deductible donations through PayPal, Venmo, or by sending a check. Here is more information on how you are able to provide a tax-deductible love offering through one of the following options:

To donate by check:

For more information about donating by check, please call Pastor Perez: (805) 448-9096

To donate online by Venmo:

Using the mobile app, please send to @Impact-Ministry-1

From a computer browser, please “Join Impact on Venmo” by going to

For more information on Venmo, please see Venmo's website.

To donate by PayPal:

Using the button below, please specify an amount and send to Impact Ministry.

For more information on PayPal, please see PayPal’s website.

We want to thank you for taking the time to consider partnering with Impact Ministry to make a difference in our community!