
Supporting marginalized individuals as they successfully transition into society, with a focus on lifestyle changes, education, and a strong spiritual foundation.


We believe that transformational change within communities requires profound strength and integrity within each individual. We believe that education in all its forms is a practice of freedom. We engage individuals as they move into greater efficacy and deepening respect for themselves and others. We believe in partnering across all service and nonprofit sectors within our communities in order to effect transformational change. Above all else, we believe that God is love, and that we are meant to serve as God’s ‘heart and hands and feet’ everywhere we go.

History of Impact Ministry

Pastor Eddie Perez on a recent visit to Old Folsom Prison

We give all Glory and Honor to our God for all the many gifts and treasures He has given us.

Impact Ministry was developed out of Criminals and Gang Members Anonymous (CGA); IMPACT stands for “Individuals Making Peace and Change Together.” It began as a 12-Step program at the California Men’s Colony in San Luis Obispo, California in 2004.

The 12 Steps were applied in this unique program to help men address their addiction to the lifestyle of criminal thinking and gang activity. It was formed so that men could come to understand the many masks that they put on to hide the deep layers of hurt and anger that they carry inside. It helped them address the issues that they never wanted to acknowledge. Those issues they were blaming others for, but were a result of their own self-destructive behavior and hurt.

When the early members of Impact chose to change their ways of thinking and chose to abandon their past behaviors, to become “ex-gang members” and “non-participating criminals,” they weren’t able to simply change their thinking or the lifestyle that they had lived. However, through the Impact 12-step program, they learned how to change their beliefs, behaviors, and how to commit themselves to a new way of living.


In these early years Impact was also a core support group that provided :

  • Bible study fellowship;
  • Yard ministry;
  • Self-help groups with NA and AA;
  • Lifers support groups;
  • Literacy classes;
  • Domestic Violence Prevention classes, abuse classes (sexual, emotional, physical, and child);
  • Music and Art classes—learning how to play an instrument of choice;
  • Legal advice; counseling court issues, parole board issues, child support and divorce;
  • Culture classes to teach men how to embrace the diverse cultures within the prison system;
  • And HIV, HepC classes and self-protections against the diseases.


The founder of Impact Ministry, Eddie Perez, was paroled on March 7, 2011 after serving 38 years incarcerated. Eddie and his wife, Alice Perez, continued to move forward with Impact Ministry as a small “mom and pop” ministry in Santa Barbara, CA. They worked within the public school system, middle schools and high schools, providing in-class visitations and talks about avoiding the gang lifestyle and the need to focus on education. Eddie and Alice also worked with the Boys and Girls Clubs providing summer workshops with high school kids. They expanded their personal ministry into the Santa Barbara County Jail as chaplains, providing individual mentoring and small group Bible study, and developing a Christmas Event each year that provides gift bags to all men and women in custody as well as toys for the women’s children. Later expanding their ministry in the local community serving the needs of other local non-profit organizations.


Eddie Perez was first ordained in July of 2017, by the South Coast Church in Santa Barbara. He was later endorsed and ordained in June 2019, by the Crucified Life Church in Santa Maria. In 2020 Pastor Eddie Perez ordained wife Alice Perez and ministry partners Jason and Robin Walker. Together, they have transitioned Impact Ministry from a “mom and pop” ministry to a formal 501c3 nonprofit religious organization. Impact Ministry expanded its jail ministry by providing Faith In Action and CGA classes to the inmates at the Santa Barbara County Jail during the COVID pandemic; is working with youth rescued from human trafficking; is supporting a team that ministers at the Santa Barbara Rescue Mission; assists men and women approaching end of life and their grieving families; provides tangible assistance to those on the fringes of society; and provides a Chaplaincy training program for those called to ministry. Although Impact Ministry has evolved into a ministry that provides services to many diverse groups, it has held to its tradition by building on its foundation for the support of those who are incarcerated, those serving time in the Santa Barbara County Jail as well as working with men who are now serving time in our California State Prison System. Impact Ministry is now providing pastoral leadership for a number of small ‘yard chapels’ in the system.


The Biblical verse Impact Ministry is building its theological foundation on is Matthew 25:34-40:

34 “Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father will inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
35 ‘For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in;
36 I was naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me [with help and ministering care]; I was in prison, and you came to Me [ignoring personal danger].
37 “Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink?
38 ‘And when did we see You as a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You?
39 ‘And when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’
40 “The King will answer and say to them, ‘I assure you and most solemnly say to you, to the extent that you did this for one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did this for me.‘”


It is with great respect and admiration that Impact Ministry acknowledges that without the guidance and direction of Richard Mexico (deceased) and Father Greg Boyle of Homeboy Industries, Impact Ministry would not exist. Their faith, vision, compassion, and kinship will also be remembered and celebrated always.


Ministry Team

Eddie Perez, Senior Pastor and Senior Chaplain

Eddie is the Lead Pastor and Executive Director of Impact Ministry's Executive Board. He founded Impact Ministry in 2004 while serving a life sentence. The Lord called him to serve his fellows in 12-step recovery, getting extra food for the less fortunate inside prison walls, assisting the mentally ill, as well as those addicted to the lifestyle of criminal and gang behavior. In 2014, Pastor Eddie had already been released three years when the Lord called him again while he was taking a run on the beach. He was told to make Impact into a community ministry in Santa Barbara — at this time he was attending South Coast Church, and pastor Rino Datillo placed Impact under the cover of SCC so that the ministry could move forward. There have been countless amazing testimonies that have taken place through Impact Ministry that we will be sharing. Pastor Eddie married Alice Perez in 2014; they have worked in this ministry together and they have also worked together in our local Santa Barbara County Jail to serve our brothers and sisters who are incarcerated.

Dr. Alice Perez, Pastor and Senior Chaplain

Alice is a Pastor and the Secretary of Impact Ministry's Executive Board. She was raised in a family where prayer was more than simply saying grace at meals. Her father and mother fostered in her a deep love of God and a love for others and they gave her such a clear picture of Covenant marriage and committed active faith. She longs to bring this legacy into her faith, marriage, and with Impact Ministry.

Heather Martineau

Heather has been with Impact Ministry from the very beginning when Impact began lay chaplaincy inside the SB County Jail; she was one of our very first team members. Heather is an amazing woman of God; she is married to Nick Mortimer and they have a two-year old son, Curran. She is a local realtor. She has been a big supporter not only for the women in the jail, but for those who are in recovery. Heather’s faith is deeply grounded in the Word of God.

Contact Us

Impact Ministry
142 Rim Rock Road
Nipomo, CA 93444


Eddie Perez (805) 448-9096

Dr. Alice Perez

Jae Park